Decibel Report

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BST 2023 / P!nk

The devoted crowd was ready for a blast while I was unprepared to say the least but with a blast of colour and athleticism things kicked off in style. If you think you’ve see an entrance at a gig this is probably one of the best ones ever. I’m not sure how can you sing and smile while free falling. Most impressive!

Get the Party Started is literally perfect for this kinda gig, fun multicolour senses attack. The large and healthy crowd was ecstatic, and the band was so tight that songs like Just Like a Pill, Turbulence and Irrelevant sound immense, fresh and relevant if you get what I mean. P!nk dabbles in typical pop themes as well as serious topics about life, politics, womanhood and many more. Eclectic comes to mind… but it’s her voice and the scope of her range that leaves you in awe.

A roaring set where I left on a complete high. Lights, sounds, pirouettes, tunes… great sunny evening in old London Town. Thanks BST, what a show